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I R O N I N G   T I P S

Use aluminum foil under the ironing board cover. You'll cut ironing time in half, because the aluminum reflects the heat of the iron, effectively smoothing the underside of your clothes as you run over the topside..

Tip #1: Double the Heat

Even if the instruction manual states that you can use tap water, always use boiled (and cooled) or distilled water in your iron (even though some claim it doesn't make a difference, we swear by this method). This will keep deposits from clogging up the iron, and eventually, spewing out onto your clothes.

Tip #2: Clear Water

Always iron black and dark garments inside out to avoid getting a sheen on the fabrics from the iron.

Tip #3: Inside Out

Iron cuffs, hems, and collars first and do them inside out to keep them from puckering up and losing shape.

Tip # 4: Order Counts

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